Guitar Repairs During COVID-19

22 guitars for sale

Surprisingly, my guitar repair shop in Kelowna has never been busier than during the pandemic. I joked that people must be stuck at home playing their guitar and thinking: "Wow, this thing isn't right... if I'm going to be locked up at home, I need to get this guitar fixed!". At any given time since March 2020, I have had at least 10 guitars in my repair shop queued up for repairs.

Granted, some guitar repairs were just simple string changes and setups, but many others required time consuming fret work or even fret replacement, pickup wiring fixes or upgrades and modifications to get the guitars playing absolutely perfect.

Now that life has opened up a bit, I'm pretty busy playing gigs - my duo Smitten with my wife Kim, fronting Cover2Cover - a great classic rock band and writing more original songs to share.

I'm so grateful to all my loyal guitar repair customers, as well as those who have purchased custom built guitars from me over the past few years. My Spring guitar sale was the busiest one yet and of the 22 guitars I had for sale, 18 of them sold... a first!

Stay safe everyone and if you need a guitar tech in Kelowna, you know where to find me.

Sincerley, Jim Rhindress